Become a member - Contact Nature

Become a member

Become a member of Contact Nature, an organization that lives where you live.

Contact Nature is a non-profit organization with a mission to protect and enhance natural environments for educational and recreational tourism. Our five divisions – Rivière-à-Mars, the Bec-Scie Outdoor Centre, the ice fishing villages at La Baie, Okwari Le Fjord and the campground Au jardin de mon père – offer both educational and tourist-oriented outdoor activities. We invite you to join a growing number of citizens of Saguenay and support the organization by purchasing a membership to Contact Nature at a cost of $ 20.


Discounts and benefits for members


As a thank you for your citizen participation, we will give you your investment back in the form of a Contact Nature gift certificate.

It is important that our members are familiar with the organization in which they are involved. Use this gift voucher to discover a Contact Nature activity that you are less familiar with! Do not hesitate to talk about your involvement with those around you and thus, help us to expand the family of Contact Nature members.


30% on Protex, Boréalis and Black Ghost brand products

20% on clothes and shoes

15% on hunting and tactical clothing and boots

15% on hunting, fishing, camping, marine, optical and nautical equipment

10% on firearm, ammunition, downrigger, sonar, motor and battery, bow and crossbow, electronic orientation.


* Discount on regular prices and in store only
* The discount does not apply to online purchases

What do we do with your contribution?

Funds raised through membership fees are reinvested in the protection of the richness of nature. These contributions give back to the community and allow us to fulfill our mission. We are proud to enabling people from here and from elsewhere to enjoy nature so close to the town La Baie.

What are the benefits of membership?

We want to surround ourselves with citizens who share our interests and who want to develop the region with us. Your membership is valid for one year. You will have the right to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, and can apply to sit on the board of directors or on one of the CNRM committees